The God of Peace..!

I have been watching this anime #Monster by Naoki Urasawa, for a long time now. Sheer #suspense . The given excerpt is a short story which caught my attention the most.

The God of Peace

The God of Peace was very busy. He was so busy blowing his trumpet all day long that he didn’t have any time to look into the mirror.The trumpet the God of Peace played made everyone very happy. The God of Peace was so busy, so busy pouring the mysterious water, he didn’t have time to look into the mirror. The mysterious water created greenery in the forest, ripen the fields and created flower gardens.

The God of Peace was very busy. He was so busy naming the children that he did not have time to look in the mirror.

“Your name is Otto. Your name is Hans. Your name is Tomas.”

“And your name… is Johan.”

Johan was so happy to have his name that he gave his hat to the God of Peace as an expression of thanks.

The God of Peace was very happy and that he looked into the mirror for the first time. Do you know what he saw in the mirror..?

He saw a demon and  the demon said, “You are me. And I am you.”

The God of Peace thought, “What should I do? What should I do? If this devil exists, everyone will not be able to live happily.”

The God of Peace decided to … (Story ended at this juncture with half a page torn.)

I have got my own story that follows this up. Tell me yours. What do you think the god of peace did ?