Top 5 Tech Products of 2016

I have been watching millions of videos uploading on a daily basis by ‘Tech Geeks’ wanting to show off their stuff. So did I . I am writing this blog to show you some of the tech I love.

  1. Bose QC 35 : No wonder everyone have this on their lists. It has definitbose-quiet-comfort-35-4ely become my favorite and is growing on me. It shuts up Everybody. Not only they sound good but also they are extremely comfortable. I can wear them for hours and hours continuously. They tend to last for more than 12 hours which to be honest is really impressive.
  2. Pebble 2 : I know that Fitbit owns it now and it is no longer being continues but man… what a beast this smartwatch is. In terms of battery it is second to none. Waterproofing, pebble showed what waterproofing meant with its first pebble. Pebble 2 was just being showoff :P. I love Pebble 2 for its cute but geeky OS and those tactile buttons which take me just where I want. That tactile feedback is powerful and punchy. It is one of the best smartwatches till date.
  3. Sony Playstation VR : The Sony PlayStation VR headset brings powerful, compelling virtual reality, with motion control support. In short it beats the crap out of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Immersive VR experience, even works with non-VR apps and games. The sweet price distinguishes it from its major competitors.
  4. DJI Mavic Pro : It is extremely compact and much lighter than its competitors.  It is a powerful drone and shoots great. It brings completely new perspective to your shoots. Produces excellent 4K videos, allows shooting to about 30 min which is actually more than enough for short youtube videos or a day’s work. It is totally portable and can be carried everywhere. It costs USD $999.00 but is totally worth it.
  5. iPhone 7 Plus : Obvious? Yes. Accurate? Yes. This is indeed the most beautiful iPhone I have ever seen. The matte black finish just oozes style. Apple just does not give you the phone, it is also the apps, the Operating System, the Service and customer support and huge fan community. And by no means is this less of a beast. Love this phone and yes, I am looking forward to the iPhone 8 as well.

Thanks and keep following.

I wonder if i could

” Wonder if i could , what would i do in a year-long break . ”

Chuttiyaan  – I wish to be the next Columbus trying to go to places no one has gone . I would like to go Underwater deep in the ocean . Live with the sharks for a day. and another day would be like to go to GTC and explore the stars and galaxies.

I would like to be the President of US for one day and be batman for one night. I would like to go near the beach and throw stones into the water, watching them bouncing and creating ripples. I would like to go for a safari and closely see the tigers. I would like to go hunting and later fishing for a day.  I would to be on the cruise and witness the cool breeze pass through my face and listen to the little sound it makes, so calm and soothing.

I want to learn archery and do kung-fu.  Be a monk and stay in monasteries. Learn about religions and explore their origins. I believe people when in a group resemble Him. I want to bathe in the Ganges and steer through the Amazon on a boat .

I wish to see Paris and London, and New York and Boston. I wish to meet Will Smith and Jackie chan and make them listen to Lucky Ali and bollywood music of ours. I want to turn to Atom and see the God’s particle.

I want to go to moon and mars and recreate world into a world of Cowboy Bebop 🙂

Page from the Past #1

I was an average student in school scoring the average marks top 10% of the students scored however I never thought myself that I belonged to those bounds. In my high school, I decided to challenge myself and decided to apply for the toughest high school scholarship examination in India. For the first round, I had to work really hard to qualify however I was among the one of 1% of the students to make it to the 2nd Round. I however secured a State Rank of 112 which was still not enough. I worked harder to qualify the 2nd Round and now I was among the elite 1% of the students in the state. The final round then came were the face to face interviews. I remember my family sitting beside me cheering me up and consoling me already incase I couldn’t make it. I wanted to prove them wrong. Once again, I went into that dark room only to find the solution to all my fears and light to guide me further. It was my first experience to have ever sat in front of such a panel of professors and elite officials and to my surprise I did not disappoint. I qualified the National Talent Scholarship making me in the top 0.1% of all the students in India and then I never looked back.

Light – Visible to Invisible

I wonder how it would be to become someone like Mr. India. Getting invisible now and then. Getting away from people you don’t want to meet and secretly meeting the one you want. How awesome it would be to vanish at will!

So I was thinking on the lines, why do not we do something about it. I do know scientists are working on optics and mirror technology however there must be some simpler route.

What I think is if we could make a device that actually could change the frequency of the light hitting the object it would actually make him look different.

The idea is that if we could actually convert visible light to X rays and transform them back then we can allow the light to pass through us. The scheme will be as shown.

I wonder how practical it would be. we have a tech to convert visible light to UV but is reverse possible?


Invisbility CLoak

Converting visible light into UVC: microbial inactivation by Pr(3+)-activated upconversion materials.



The Mysterious 17 E1

I am Siddhartha, Chemical Engn. by profession; wannabe TNT Explosive Specialist, sports commentator.I am the monk who dreamt of Ferrari.

Mysterious 17 Episode 1

It was a green envelope with 17 crisp bills of unknown currencies. I didn’t had a faintest idea about it. I made a quick check of the bills and found that they were no longer printed. Each one of them belonged to a different country and were printed as special edition bills. On each note there were initials written in English, i guess someones’ name. It was clear that the bills had some subtext which made me curious and why me was important.


Ideas worth spreading:

  • ‘Adjustable dock instead of seats’ in LaFerrari saves space and reduces centre of gravity, killing two birds with one stone.
  • Flaps as that in aeroplanes provide that stabilizes the machine in resonance with the track and turns.

Photography 101: Shooting in Black and White

Great Blog !

The Daily Post

Our last Photography 101 installment focused on color, so it’s only fitting that today we talk about black and white! If you’ve developed your own film in the darkroom, you know that working with black and white is a fun, rewarding experience. These days, many of you use digital cameras, so we’ll focus here on digital photography.

Over on The Gravel Ghost, photographer Merilee Mitchell wows us with her moody and evocative black and white images and photo stories: she captures vast desert landscapes, particularly in Death Valley and around California. In this post, she talks about her passion for black and white photography — and the power of telling stories in monochrome.

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Sometimes you just dont like this world . I am writing this part of me at one of those times. When you suddenly realize  that there’s no place to escape . No place to go and scream whatever your heart, and nobody cared. I dont want sympathy , it is just i want to be alone for sometime. It is one of those times.

You are asked for answers you know you dont have. For advice , you wouldnt yourself follow. You look into one’s pain and you know you cannot do anything about it. You feel helpless and you just want to be free of this loop of right and wrong. It is one of those times.

You still do want to help that someone and you know you cannot , yet you fuck her life with your nonsensical acknowledgment that you have felt the same way and you know how that feels like. You know about the source of pain and you have shared it too, but that source is important to you and and important to her too ..

What can I do .. What can I do ?

It is one of that time I find myself in need of an escape.