IIT #Poltu or #Drama

Well, there are many colleagues of mine who might ponder on my insanity while reading the post but then who cares !

Topic :-  There are lots of people that give the IIT politics great consideration. Lots of them cheer up their friends during this time. But are we really doing that stuff.

I dont think so. My high school poltu was much tense-dense then this one. IIT poltu is nothing a piece of drama crafted only to earn some resume points. No one gives a dime on how one can really bring good here.No fights, no banners or posters, no sex videos but just empty talks and room to room campaigning. Where’s the WhatWeSee in ‘Dil Dosti etc.’ Theintense emotions are utterly missing up here. You see, No Scandals, No fun. Plus, there’s no power. You still have to wake up early, attend the classes or the professor might de-register you. You still have make up the lame excuses whenever you enter the class.

Really..? Come on man ! I am the V.P.  of the god damn Unversity and you are gonna do me that ‘d-word’.  D’Register , D’Barred.. These words as old as the IIT’s i guess. I wonder how good were the old times when there were no ‘D’Warnings’. The only threat they knew was to ask to him shut up or leave the class. #Life 🙂

Back to where I left, once the elections over, you won’t even ever notice a change. You say change is permanent. It wasn’t . They were always happening. But we have turned them permanent like stones. Petrified them..! They (changes) happen no more.

Once you win its just doing what everyone did, following the rules and few impressive might get some results.Politics is not about following the rules – Even a nutjob can do that. Mending or breaking them to your bargain is what politics is all about.

Well that is what i feel.  Comment or just don’t on what you do !